Now, head back to the other room and make your way along the top. This item allows you to lift heavy objects like pots and rocks blocking your path. Open the chest that appears to get the Power Bracelet. Using Magic Powder to light the torch in this room, and then kill the ghosts. Leave through the north door, grab the Magic Powder then open the chest to get some Rupees. The chest in the next room contains the map, but be careful getting to it because the purple orb tries to pull you off the ledge. Jump the gaps and leave through the north door, but watch out for bats. Ignore the warp point that appears, and depart through the east door. Keep your distance, hitting him when you can, and avoid getting grabbed.

He grabs you if you get too close, and make sure you don't fall through the cracks in the ground. Hit it to make the blocks drop-down, and get the chest to get you a key. You will find more blocks and another crystal. Hit the crystal and head south where the barrier dropped. First, leave the compass room by going north, then head east. When you let go of the sword button, you will do a spin attack, killing him. You can kill him by using a charged sword attack then moving so that you are back to back. Head south through the locked door, where you will find a Mask Mimic. Now, go back to the room where you fought the two skeletons. Grab the Stone Beak from the chest, and then leave through the opened door. But when you land knock him into the hole. Make sure to dodge the beetle as you jump. Go through the door, and jump the gap to get to the chest.

Kill the bats, and the door to the north opens up. There are traps in this room that rush towards you if you cross in front of them, so be careful. Go back to the room where you lit the braziers and use the key on the locked door going west.